Whuts gucci wid it errybody?!?!
Alright so we've decided to add a new segment to our blog called the Ratchet Piece of the Week. This is where each week we post things we've seen around the internet or in real life which made us cringe.
Feel free to send in submissions of your.. Ratchet Piece of the week.
Rounding in the week at number one is this girl who as you can CLEARLY see by her pose thought she was cute. The problems with this outfit..... sighh lets take it from the top. She's wearing a bandeau, only she has no boobs to hold it up. The least she could have done was wear a bustier with straps to give her SOMETHING to work with. Next problem is the high waisted American Flag shorts. Now separately with a covering shirt this wouldnt have been so much of a problem.. but again.. their not. Womp. Ladies, try not to always show off EVERYTHING. Your goal is to leave something to the imagination not put everything and anything out there. I feel like if your gonna show more on the top then close it up on the bottom to even it all out. And vice versa. Ladies we need to do better.
Okay for this one lets start from the bottom and go up for a change. I hope my eyes are deceiving me when I see those Doc Martens. I absolutely adore those shoes and seeing them being misused this way pains me *wipes tears*. Then he paired it with these camo pants that I really just cant deal with. Personally im not a fan of camo pants in general and the fact that these are blue doesn't help.Next is this crop top........................... *deep sigh* I applaud this man for having such nice abs but this is not the way to display them lol. There's too much to say about that jaket sooo lets just move on. Last thing: Sir, why are you standing in the road like you invincible??? Do you value your life? Then get out the street!
Now im no beauty guru but im pretty sure makeup is meant to blend not sit there.I can tell you one thing it sure aint supposed to make it look like you lotioned your face but forgot your eyebrows. Another thing, when taking photos I know I for one always scrutinize my photos before I post them anywhere. It looks like she just took the picture and went with it. Like I said before ladies its 2013 now, lets do better.
There is a tail... Need I say more?
Now this particular photo made me sad because I actually liked the top half of the outfit but he had to go and mess it up on the bottom. Those haram pants accentuate the fact that this boy is a stick,,, #nobueno. And the socks.. Oh the socks. Someone please tell me what made him think pink cheetah print socks would match his outfit in any way shape or form?! Because I dont understand b, I dont understand *pretty girl bounces*
Ladies ladies ladies! Weave is supposed to look natural. When you have in a weave no one should be able to tell the difference between your hair and the fake hair. The way this girls hair was put it in it looks as if she was supposed to have bangs. Why she didnt leave her hair like that? The world may never know. sighh.
And with that I hope you all had a wonderful break I know I did. Happy New Year to all! Make this one count!
Peace, Love and Happiness
-Chantel :*